Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Vel eget ut nunc lacinia. Sed adipiscing
mattis blandit ut tortor eget lectus nullam. Velit justo bibendum massa duis
id habitant.


The Deepcore is always on the lookout for new talents to create value. We are always eager to speak to traders, merchants, brokers in other commodities who can bring their expertise, and who wish to work in an extremely dynamic and motivating environment.You like the commodities you trade; you find this trading environment stimulating and you want to stay in it?Despite this, your daily motivation decreases with each visit to the office, the company that employs you doesn’t give you the freedom to direct your career and your income as you see fit? Maybe it’s time to take the next step and get a career boost with our teams.

Our experience in commodities trading and brokerage as well as our digital trading tools allow us to provide our new partners with unique support. Are you a Commodity Broker with several years of experience, an established network, and a solid understanding of your products? You find that the current brokerage offer in your market can be significantly improved and the prospects for growth are high? Take the initiative with us and give your career a new momentum.

The Deepcore is also committed to provide opportunities for future talents and is constantly offering 6 months internships to students. If you are a student or just embarking on your working career and are eager to discover the world of commodities, feel free to send us your CV with a short resume of your background and skills.


Sao Paulo
In direct link and synergy with our sugar brokerage desk, join our team in Brazil to open the Ethanol desk in our Sao Paulo office. You have several years of experience in ethanol trading in Brazil and you have an established network. Cross the table and raise the quality of service in brokerage to a new level.
Sao Paulo
Are you passionate about AI, neural networks, fractals or chaos theory debates? Do you like to fiddle with data and numbers and foresee the future? Join us and let’s refine our market predictions together.