• 18 01,2024
  • Sugar Prices

Considered as the world’s largest physical broker for sugar. We manage approximately 50 million MT of sugar open-interest annually. Intermediating between all the major ABCD traders and co-brokers for grains to provide an added value to our customers.

We are a leading brokerage house of physical commodities, with a strong reputation in Sugar and Soybeans. First movers in the digital in our markets, we quickly realized the power of online platforms. Thanks to our success, we decided to bring custom digital solutions to commodity market participants to increase their efficiency and profitability.

Deepcore combines physical commodities brokers, a web development team, and AI specialists to provide our clients with the best trading experience. From price discovery to execution, our goal is to modernize the traditional trading process and align it with the digital era through our innovative solutions.


Arnaud started his career as an FX & interest rates trader in the banking sector. He joined the sugar industry at the end of 2013 and took over an intertrade brokerage desk in the Brazilian, European, Indian, and Thai sugar markets. After a few years in the industry, he realized that sugar and many other commodities markets were extremely late in digitisation compared to other financial products and B2B business.

